
  • "Building of the Year" Bulgaria 2016

    We are presenting finished project of architecture studio "Atelier Serafimov" with complete furnishing from STIMEX company for the new, modern administrative building of "BIOVET", winning the 1 price for "Public building with business functions" of the competition "Building of The Year 2016". 

  • "Building of the Year" Bulgaria 2016.

    Finished project with partly furnishing of private administrative building which is a winner of the first place in category Industrial and logistics buildings in national contest "Building of the Year" Bulgaria 2016.

  • NEOCON Chicago

    Успешно учстие на СТИМЕКС на световно изложение за офис мебели - НЕОКОН Чикаго. Изключително голям интерес имаше към акустичните панели СТИЛИ, които грабнаха интереса на международни дизайнери и архитекти с дизайн, олекотеност, цена и опция за вграждане на LED осветление.   
